make or break records
Just cause they got an acoustic guitar doesn't mean they look like flowers. This is a rough and tumble group of rock stars. Joe sings and plays the gitter, Tia sings and plays the floot and the base, Ryan bangs a drum. Fellow Project has been projecting fellowship for years now from strong island, new york and beyond. Their rock music is folk metal punk blues. They've got a van and they drive around the country and eat huevos rancheros. They silk screen their own t shirts and posters, and make people think about the seventies- but in a good way.
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Where's the Wire? 10"+CD- 2005

Songs Are Like Bugs
The Pace
Where's the Wire?
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For Where's the Wire?

From The Sentimentalist : "'Some singers are assholes...' So begins 'Doom?' the first song on Fellow Project's latest vinyl release. A Lou Reed meets Dylan drawl is matched with music conjuring the jittery, raw persistance of acts like Violent Femmes or Jonathan Richman. This trio creates songs that are seemingly simple, yet effective. Whether it's the statement 'Don't fail and blame everyone else' or 'It shouldn't be this easy', this record reads like diary entries or mantras of the everyman. The song 'Papillon' stands out, dtriving for poetry and reaching emotional weight in its refrain."- Frank Stein
Dusted Magazine:
"Eight songs of ragged pop strum with some nice co-ed vocalizing, vaguely approaching some sort of Black Francis/Kim Deal dynamic, only the guy sounds more like Howe Gelb of Giant Sand, and the songs have a sort of open-air sound that wouldn't have been out of place on their earlier records - though to be sure, Fellow Project is a lot less ambitious about it, choosing to fall into a Pixies/Violent Femmes style of ingredienty songwriting quirk. They write good songs, but for every time I cringed at where they were derived from, I heard a touch that surprised me... a handful of both good and bad, really. Black jellybeans mixed in with the tasty ones, if you will. If they got better at covering up the seams, and stopped showing their hand so much, they could get really good. As it is, this shows more promise than expected, and was a very nice surprise that some of you may very much want to check out. Grown up sounds. "
Pop Matters:
"Plenty of bands claim to blend punk and folk, but Fellow Project manage to actually sort of do it, as if they had been listening to the Minutemen around a campfire. As you might expect from a group that would release a 10", this record is a lo-fi do-it-yourself use-a-hyphen disc, which, for once, sounds like an aesthetic enhancement instead of just a financial limitation or an authenticity pose. The band's not clueless, though, acknowledging, "If it's bad enough it might be big". They don't seem to care if it's big, even if they have passion (directed at not knowing where to direct it)."
Read Magazine:
"The nice folks at Make or Break read my review of this record, where I basically asked why I was sent a vinyl record, which to me is about as useful as a flat tire. So Make or Break made me a CD copy so I could review the album. Very cool of them - that's the sort of service you just don't get from record labels anymore. And you know what? This band should put this stuff out on CD. It's great stuff. Maybe even brilliant. Maybe even GODLIKE. (But maybe not.) And it's like they're not sure it's good so they only make it available to weird basement-troll fat guys who still have record players. No way, Fellow Project. You need to be more optimistic. You guys are good! The vocalist has a Lou Reed nasal thing going, where each lyric sounds like it ends in a question mark, but this dude doesn't sound as pretentious as most guys who do that. Come to think of it, the whole thing sounds like "New York"-era Lou Reed, which isn't a bad thing when done well. And these guys do it really well, adding a little alternarock and a little garagey folk and a little twangy shuffle and a little Pixies flavor (occasional female vocals add a sweet flourish). Songs are well written, well executed. This is probably the best album Lou Reed never recorded. They have lyrics like "I hope I know better than to listen to what anybody says," but Fellow Project, listen to me. Embrace the future and put your music out on a "compact disc!" Damn you retro hipster kids!! Damn you all to hell!!!"
Askew Reviews:
"What kinda goddamn fools put out a 10" record in this day and age? The same kinda goddamn fools who don't give a fuck about what they're supposed to do, opting instead to take a path of their own choosing. I admire that, and I admire Fellow Project. I'm sure every half-baked hack who's listened to this would probably describe Where's The Wire? this way (and since I fall into this realm, I'll unapologetically say it anyhow), but these guys sound like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup meeting between Lou Reed and an unplugged version of the Pixies. Lyrically, Fellow Project is sharp and clever and painfully self-conscious. "Doom?" kicks off side one by saying, "Some singers are assholes and really good actors who really mean what they say. I may be guilty but I do believe there is something inside me." The album's closing track, "Where's The Wire?" (and don't these guys use a helluva lot of question marks?) contains what's probably my favorite line of the entire release: "Yeah I stick to myself, though I may be hanging out with the wrong crowd." They even have a song called "Vamanos," which I suspect may be a dig at their obvious Pixies influence. (And just in case you didn't realize it, the Pixies' "Vamos"- in both its forms- is absolutely one [or two, I guess] of the best songs released in the late '80s). Musically, Fellow Project has a smoothness and high bopability factor that'll suck you right into their horse race-loving maws. Kick your goddamn parakeet off your turntable and check this out already. - Ben Hunter "
"Folk punk with a political bent. Fans of This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb and the Plan-It-X crowd will wanna be all over this. Earnest lyrics, solid playing, and heartfelt spirit here, but the tunes don’t really grab me. All you bike punks are gonna love it though."


Contact Fellow Project. Book a show or a wedding, get an interview, ask for a personalized horoscope.


Phone: they don't use phones
Address: wouldn't we all like to know

featured release:
Jumpsuit's School/No Statue 7". They don't sound like chipmunks; the sides are just different speeds.
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